Raisin Meditation (12 min)

This meditation introduces you to the idea that mindfulness meditation is not restricted to sitting alone in a quiet room with your eyes closed, but can be practiced anytime, anywhere. What makes an experience a meditation is the kind of awareness you bring to it. The video guides you through a practice of awareness that involves two raisins, but can be done with virtually any small food or fruit (e.g., a strawberry, a grape, a nut, even a piece of chocolate!). For this meditation, you'll need two raisins (or other small food) and a glass of water.

Remember the kind of attention you brought to this simple act of eating a small fruit when you do the other informal practices that are part of Week 1 ("Simple Awareness").

In addition to accessing this meditation through this web page on a smartphone or iPad, it can also be accessed by the Insight Timer app. Once you have the Insight Timer app installed on your phone or tablet, search for "Palouse" to find this and the other MBSR meditations.