Lauren Fins

Lauren Fins

When I was a graduate student, my friends and mentors used to call me the "Social Director". I used to laugh at that label, but in recent years, I realize the label still fits. What I know is that people want to have communal experiences, and all they need is for someone to organize them. I think that is part of Palouse Mindfulness’s broad success. It provides a platform for people all over the world to have communal experiences, without even leaving home.

While I do not have a meditation practice, I do practice yoga, and I find that walking in forested places calms my inner space in a way that is similar to meditation. I have had a few "peak experiences" in my life…that precious, but rare sense of ‘flow’, and they seem to happen when I am out among trees, especially the giant sequoias of California. I would love to have more of these moments, but I know that trying to recreate them would be like chasing rainbows. In the meantime, I hold these moments dear and with some amazement and a sense of awe that they have happened to me at all.

I look forward to serving on the Palouse Mindfulness Board and to contributing to the continued success of the program.

You can contact Lauren through the Contact page.

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