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[ from Deborah S. in Michigan ]

Summary of Learnings
       The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training has changed my personal and professional life profoundly. I expected to have changes in my professional life in being able to offer clients ways to be more mindful, but what I didn't expect was the drastic changes intra-personally and inter-personally. I have been a medical social worker for over 13 years and have had opportunities over the years to offer ways to be more mindful and utilize meditation and relaxation to clients. I have worked for hospice for eleven years and find it takes a level of mindfulness to be present with the powerful emotions of grief.

       In working with death and dying over the years, I have also found it difficult at times to be present for my own family or for myself due to compassion fatigue. This training has allowed me to be more present for my own family as well as having a better practice of loving kindness towards others and myself.

       There has been a shift in my family that has been apparent. I feel we are more gentle with each other, more intimate and loving. There have also been changes in my extended family that has allowed space for my intermediate family and myself to grow. This is a powerful practice. I was surprised by these changes in my personal life because I have had a practice of meditation and yoga for some time. As some of the mindfulness teachers have indicated, I did these practices with a goal in mind and was not practicing kindness towards myself. I have found in being gentler to myself, I have more joy and fulfillment in my professional and personal life.

       I am very grateful for this practice to be able to share this with my 11 year-old daughter as she grows. She has watched me through the last eight weeks, and even listened to some of the videos with me. I see her being more centered and confident. I have also observed my husband in being able to express himself better and being a more affectionate father and husband. I was most surprised by this because I have said very little about my practice. The surprise is there, but I have realized for many years when one element changes, there are ripples throughout the system. What surprised me was how fast this occurred in the last eight weeks throughout my life.

       I plan to continue with the practices and have found a mentor whom I will continue to learn from. I am excited to bring more mindfulness into my practice and feel this will continue to grow.

- Deborah

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