First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your on-line course. I can honestly say it has changed my life.
I was repeatedly drugged and sexually abused by my schoolteacher when I was 10. I have suffered from PTSD ever since.
When I turned 14, my father died. I tried to find some help since then however I was misdiagnosed many times (bipolarity, dysthymia, etc…). It got worse over the years as I would get more and more panic attacks. I understand now that they prevented me from graduating from university, or even keeping a job. My family members thought I was simply lazy. No one could understand me - neither could I. I hit rock bottom when I went back to live with my mother a few years ago and literally spent a whole year in bed. I just wanted to disconnect from the world.
Four years ago, when I turned 37, I met a therapist that was God-sent. I found out then that I had PTSD. It all made sense to me: I understood and recognised the symptoms, the dissociation, the freeze or flight mode and the reasons behind the disorder.
However, I felt that I was missing some tools to finally be in control and at peace. I heard about MBSR then and found your on-line course. It was obvious to me that it was exactly what I needed.
The voices in my head stopped very quickly. I remember clearly when I first realised that the voices were gone, and that I was finally "alone".
Mindfulness helped me identify my feelings and emotions better. I was looking for a job at the time I was doing the course. I felt a bit anxious before the job interview. Without mindfulness, that little anxiety would have triggered a panic attack and I would certainly have left the waiting room and be without a job again. But it all went differently and I am happy to say that I got the job and I am still working for that firm.
Part of my work in therapy was to understand that my mind and body were one. Mindfulness introduced me to Yoga which allows me feel a state of bliss while I practice. For years I was like a floating head, dragging along a body that I would push to its limits and hurt. The course helped me reconnect with my body and respect myself.
Today I exercise and meditate regularly. I have not had a single episode of depression or panic attack since completing the course three years ago.
Once again allow me to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation for your course.
- Farida A.