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[ from Christine M. in Virginia ]

Summary of Learnings
       To say that this class is life-changing is an understatement! I have actually taken it twice. The first time I took it, I completed all the meditations, readings, yoga and videos but very inconsistently documented my impressions. The second time around, I completed the assignments and recorded my experiences, which is what I am submitting to you now.

       I discovered your class online shortly before my husband was laid-off this winter. My husband’s job loss was a surprise and a terrible blow to my family. Not to sound melodramatic, but having the sanctuary of this class got me through it! (Thankfully he started a new job in July). I even did a speech on my experience with Palouse Mindfulness Online MBSR in my Toastmasters club. I have struggled with anxiety in varying degrees most of my life, but it has gotten worse over the past ten years or so. I believe it has been exacerbated by several major stressors I experienced during this time period.

       One of the many benefits I derived from Palouse Mindfulness Online MBSR is a heightened awareness of my, often critical, inner dialogue which has helped me decrease my feelings of anxiety tremendously. The meditations and yoga practices were like having a weight lifted off me. It’s hard to put into words how freeing it is. I loved the snow globe analogy and will sometimes visualize this image as I try to calm my racing mind. I found the readings and videos informative, motivating and insightful. I especially love Tara Brach’s videos. She balances wisdom and humor masterfully.

       I envision continuing to practice all the meditations and yoga routines from here on out. I love how I feel during and after yoga practice. It relieves a lot of physical and emotional tension. The Mountain Meditation helps me feel stronger when I feel vulnerable and need a boost of self-confidence. The Sitting Meditation, Body Scan and Lake Meditation help settle my mind and make me feel calmer. I have to say, the loving-kindness readings, videos and meditation were the biggest eye-openers for me! I consider myself to be a happy, positive person, for the most part, and I believe others would agree. I was shocked at how often my “self-talk” is negative and disparaging and how terrible and insecure it makes me feel. This awareness was huge for me! The Loving-Kindness Meditation opens my heart and restores positive feelings and puts insecurities in perspective. The STOP and RAIN practices are the tools I use when I notice that I am feeling anxious or down as I go through the day. The STOP handout is posted on my ‘fridge.

       Not only have I benefitted from the class, I am modeling and teaching these principles to my family. I have shared the link to Palouse Mindfulness Online MBSR with several friends. The gifts I received from this class are priceless! I look forward to continuing with the graduate readings. Thank you, Dave Potter, for your thoughtful, generosity and sharing this amazing present!

- Christine

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