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[ from Alan R. in Ireland ]

Summary of Learnings
       I have now completed your online MBSR program. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learned a lot from it. The course is very well structured and the range of supporting materials is top class. It was one of the best courses I've ever done and I find it hard to believe that it was actually free.

       I’m not an anxious person or someone who suffers from much stress. However, I wanted to explore and learn about mindfulness because it is now becoming so well known and increasingly being beneficially applied in today’s complex and fast changing world.

       I learned much more from the course than I had expected and already, it has made many positive differences in my life. I’ve summarised below, what I’ve learned, and how I’m incorporating my learning into my life.

       The program has given me a different perspective on my day-to-day life. It has opened my eyes to thinking about things differently. For example, I have learned to be more accepting of who I am and more forgiving of myself. I also have learned to be much kinder to myself and realize that I am only human. I will continue to be kinder to myself.

       I’m now much more aware of my body, my feelings and my emotions. This has made me feel more ‘alive’ and ‘in the moment’ rather than just passing along from one day to the next. I feel as though I am looking at things with new eyes and that I have a much better appreciation of life and living. I will continue to use my new eyes.

       One of the main things I’ve learned is how to put distance between events and my reaction to them. I can now stop and bring my attention to my breathing, and choose my response. I’m not striving and ‘chasing my tail’ as much as I used to. If I don’t get things done as quickly as I had anticipated, then it really isn’t much of a problem anymore. In this sense, I think I have learned some self compassion. I’ve also learned that self compassion and minding myself are key to a better me and more compassion for others. I will continue to practise self compassion.

       I’ve learned a wide repertoire of mindfulness practices and tools that I can choose from and integrate into a regular practice in my daily life. I am more aware of how I relate to everything and I’m more positive and more real (in the sense that I’m not spending as much time in thought of things in the past and in the future). I will continue to engage in these practices.

       I now get much less caught up in ‘noise’ around me and the multitude of thoughts that come into my mind. I’ve learned to observe life differently and to appreciate the small positive things that happen every day and to be “in the moment” rather than getting lost in an ongoing stream of thoughts. I have also become more accepting of my perceived flaws and imperfections. I will continue to practice being ‘in the moment’ on a frequent and regular basis.

       I enjoy walking my dog much more than ever before. Even though my mind still wanders, I can bring it back to all my senses and appreciate the sights, sound, feel, and smell of things around me. This is particularly so, when I walk on the beach or in the woods. I will walk on the beach and in the woods more often.

       Overall, I feel more grounded in my body and have gotten to know myself a little more intimately. Also, I had a very enjoyable Christmas break and I think this had a lot to do with me being able to step back a little and reflect on what is important and not get upset by things that aren’t important.
- Alan R.

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